Every week sees a rotation of five Gods that players can play for free. Here are this week’s.
P.S. Late is late (internet problems).
Cupid, God of Love (Greek)
An arrow from the bow of Cupid, chubby little God of Love, will make anyone give in to passion and desire.
Ah Puch, Horrific God of Decay (Mayan)
Hide now, all men and Gods, for the age of eternal night has come. Ah Puch will reap anything that lives. There is great vacancy left in the nine hells, and the Horrific God of Decay wishes only to fill it.
Ratatoskr, the Sly Messenger (Norse)
As Gods from every Pantheons clash, how could Ratatoskr pass up the opportunity to instigate new rivalries? Quite simply, he cannot. Beware the squirrel.
Sylvanus, Keeper of the Wild (Greek)
It is no coincidence the fields and forests surrounding the Mediterranean are haven to shepherds, farmers, and wildlife. They’re guarded by aged Sylvanus, a benevolent spirit of nature.
Osiris, Broken God of the Afterlife (Egyptian)
Son of the Earth God, Geb, Osiris was divine royalty by birth, and all the land his birthright. Benevolence and prosperity were the hallmarks of his reign.