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    SMITE: Mapa Justa tendrá una remodelación total en la S7

    Publicado el 15 de noviembre de 2019, Hirez Studios, de la mano con el equipo Titan Forge Games, quien actualmente está llevando a cabo los programas de lanzamiento y actualización de SMITE anuncia que están trabajando en el Mapa Justa, el cual tendrá un diseño completo. En 2020 Hirez Studios promete un Mapa Justa totalmente […] More

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    Underworld Odyssey: Chapter Four

    Trees sang a song of welcome as Persephone passed beneath their gnarled boughs. The forests of Vanaheimr knew her of old, for she had wandered among them in more innocent times. She let her fingers caress their knotted trunks as she passed among them, and their song grew fierce as they sensed her reason for […] More

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    Underworld Odyssey: Chapter Three

    Hades sat on his throne and contemplated the scrying crystal before him. The crystal rose from the broken tiles of his throne room, suspended in a web of thick roots and creeper vines, and its milky facets shone with a cold light. He gestured, and the cloudiness of the facets cleared, revealing frenzied images. He […] More

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    Underworld Odyssey: Chapter Two

    The Warden of the Underworld dozed. Cerberus lay in his usual spot overlooking the Styx, his trio of heads lowered across his massive paws. Occasionally, a triangular ear twitched as the great hound caught the slap of water against the hull of Charon’s boat or the whisper of a harpy’s wings overhead. One of his […] More

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