

Gems Small 200 Gems or Favor Small 5500 Favor

Destroyer Ares

Gems Small 100 Gems or Favor Small 9500 Favor

Diamond Sword Ares

Gems Small 400 Gems

SWC 2015 Ares

Acquired by purchasing the SWC Digital Ticket.

Soldier of Fortune Ares

Acquired: Nepal Earthquake Relief Chest or by purchasing the Founder's Pack for Xbox One (linking your Xbox One acc w/ Founder's Pack with your PC acc unlocks the skin for PC as well).

Golden Ares

Gems Small 200 Gems or Favor Small 9500 Favor at God Mastery 1

Legendary Ares

Gems Small 300 Gems or Favor Small 12500 Favor at God Mastery 5

Diamond Ares

Gems Small 400 Gems or Favor Small 15000 Favor at God Mastery 10

