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    Magic The Gathering Ch. 1 – The Bright Sword

    Surtr stirred from his fugue, straightening at his eternal post. His charred fingers unconsciously tightened about the hilt of his bright blade. A pulse of what might have been anticipated flooded him. Something had changed. He turned slowly, surveying the ruins that served as his camp. Broken towers and shattered pillars were all the remained […] More

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    Soaring Isles Ch. 4 – Two Tricksters

    Maui sat on his haunches before a campfire, by the side of a coursing river. Fireflies danced through the night and he watched them for a time, enjoying the stillness of the night, before turning his attentions back to his companion. The tanuki trickster, Danzaburou, sat across from him, sipping from a bottle of sake. […] More

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    Soaring Isles Ch. 3 – Pele’s Wrath

    Maui sighed and hauled his boat ashore. There was ash on the wind, and everything smelled of fire. The deep fire, the red blood of the earth that boiled up and turned the seas to steam and the air to poison. The roar of the conflagration had drawn him steadly southwards, to far band of […] More

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    Soaring Isles Ch. 2 – Queen of Chaos

    Ishtar pushed through the dripping undergrowth, her bow in hand. Broken stones rose around her – the remnants of some forgotten kingdom. She paused, listening. She could hear the pattering of the rain and beneath it…something else. Movement. She readied an arrow and turned, keen gaze scanning the greenery. The movement ceased. She narrowed her […] More

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    Soaring Isles Ch. 1 – Queen of Heaven

    Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, settled back on this throne and resisted the urge to sigh. His vizier continued to drone about whatever dull matter of state had preoccupied him this day. It was always something new. Rarely, however, was it something exciting. Once, being king had meant slaying monsters and battling wild men. But then […] More

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    Nickelodeon – Courage & Honor

    “I am Ullr, and the bear is mine.” Ullr pointed one of his axes at Lancelot. “Now stand aside, mortal – or become my prey as well.” Lancelot considered this. His first impulse was to draw his sword and make a threat of his own. Instead, he simply leaned his lance across his shoulders and […] More

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    Heavenly Light Ch. 4 – Worthy

    Merlin stepped into the audience chamber and was, as ever, impressed with how well it reflected the thought processes of its builder. The space was utilitarian; practical. Nothing wasted, nothing out of place. Such was how many had described Camelot’s ruler – even Merlin himself, at times. There were worse things a king could be, […] More

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    Heavenly Light Ch. 3 – Celestial Sovereign

    Xing Tian charged, axe raised, his torso-face twisted into a roar of fury – and not a little triumph. Yu Huang, the Jade Emperor, met him with a frown. “I say again, there is no need for this, revered warrior. Whatever our differences, let us settle them with words – not steel.” But Xing Tian […] More

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    Heavenly Light Ch. 2 – The Relentless One

    Mulan used the tip of her spear to brush aside a branch. Around her, a forest of dead trees rose from the tussocky earth. A miasmatic fog issued from the hundreds of holes that dotted the ground at odd intervals. Ancient burial markers rose from the ravaged ground like broken teeth and she could not […] More

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    Heavenly Light Ch. 1 – Hungry Ghosts

    A shriek rose like an arrow, splitting the silence of the forest. A putrid stench wafted along the night wind, causing green shoots to turn brown, and branches to sag. A lone deer fled, bounding quickly through the trees. Behind it, came the peddler. The merchant ran, his rickety cart clattering on the dirt path […] More

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    Dharmic Era Ch. 2 – Dance of Creation

    The Destroyer danced, and existence unraveled, one atom at a time. Time stilled. The stars flickered and were snuffed. Far worlds crumbled into cosmic debris, to be swept away by the black seas of eternity as they converged on the universe’s center, incomprehensible and inescapable. At the heart of existence, the world sang out its […] More

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    Smite Friends

    There was a flash – so bright, it almost wiped away the night. Then it faded and the night roared silently back, covering the land once more. Ise Grand Shrine burned. Splinters of wood and flakes of ash fell like rain. Tsukuyomi stood amidst the devastation, weapons lowered, breathing heavily. Of Amaterasu, there was no […] More

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