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  • luvluv


    Odyssey: Reckoning Chapter Three

    Pallid flames danced along the muddy coastline of the newborn island. The fires were celebratory in nature, kindled by the hands of hundreds of newly arrived pilgrims. Their vessels, whether junk, barge or cog, lay beached and forgotten on the shoreline. They had come from every corner of the world, drawn to this place by […] More

  • luvluv


    Odyssey: Reckoning Chapter Two

    Olympus echoed with the sounds of preparation. Gods from many pantheons made ready for the battle to come. The last battle of the last war. Or so some among them hoped, Olorun included. As he followed Hera down the winding staircase that led into the mountain’s depths, he found himself wondering what might come after. […] More

  • luvluv

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    Odyssey: Reckoning Chapter One

    Mulan ran her whetstone along her sword. The blade had not needed sharpening since her ascension to godhood, but it made her feel more at ease. She sat in an untended cemetery in the Taihang Mountains, listening to the soft whisper of the dead. They spoke to each other of their lives, their deaths, and […] More

  • Trending luvluv yepyep yuckyuck coolcool

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    New Moon: Chapter Two

    In the darkness, Tsukuyomi laughed. There was precious little mirth in the sound. He had been born in sadness – in the tears from his father’s eye. And in sadness, he lived his life. The sadness of a diamond, nestled in dirt, his brilliance forever hidden by the shortcomings of others. Such was the torment […] More

  • Popular luvluv yepyep dislikedislike yuckyuck coolcool

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    Grim Omens: Chapter Three

    Ratatoskr scampered down into the dark beneath the world, trying to ignore the biting cold. His paws ached and his fur was damp from the chill mists that swirled through the forests of Yggdrasil’s tangled, frost-blackened roots. It was a route he had travelled many times before, but it felt different now, as if the […] More

  • luvluv yepyep yuckyuck coolcool

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    Grim Omens: Chapter Two

    The old, dark forest shook as the great chicken-legged house burst through the trees, moving with hideous speed. Inside, crockery rattled thunderously and the shutters banged. The house’s mistress, used to the cacophony, paid no attention. Instead, she leaned across the kitchen and peered into the smoky depths of her mortar, murmuring to herself. Her […] More

  • luvluv yepyep coolcool

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    Grim Omens: Chapter One

    Exhausted, Hua Mulan watched the sun rise. She sat on a fallen timber from the village palisade, her spear thrust into the ground beside her, and her sword across her lap. She had kept watch through the night, but the enemy had not returned. In the aftermath of the conflagration that had nearly claimed the […] More

  • luvluv yepyep dislikedislike yuckyuck coolcool

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    Jade Corruption: Chapter Two

    With a shout, the rider urged her steed over the remnants of the broken gate. As the horse’s hooves slammed down onto the hard-packed earth on the other side of the wall, Hua Mulan leaned forward, sending her spear into the clay skull of the first of the creatures. She jerked the weapon loose as […] More

  • Popular luvluv yepyep dislikedislike yuckyuck coolcool

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    Jade Corruption: Chapter One

    The attack had come in the small hours before dawn. It had happened so swiftly, so savagely, that the villagers could do nothing save seek shelter in the old temple. It was small and humble. But solid. Built of stone, rather than wood. It was the sturdiest building in the village. But that wasn’t saying […] More

  • luvluv yepyep dislikedislike yuckyuck coolcool

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    Underworld Odyssey: Chapter Four

    Trees sang a song of welcome as Persephone passed beneath their gnarled boughs. The forests of Vanaheimr knew her of old, for she had wandered among them in more innocent times. She let her fingers caress their knotted trunks as she passed among them, and their song grew fierce as they sensed her reason for […] More

  • luvluv yepyep dislikedislike yuckyuck coolcool

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    Underworld Odyssey: Chapter Three

    Hades sat on his throne and contemplated the scrying crystal before him. The crystal rose from the broken tiles of his throne room, suspended in a web of thick roots and creeper vines, and its milky facets shone with a cold light. He gestured, and the cloudiness of the facets cleared, revealing frenzied images. He […] More

  • luvluv yepyep coolcool

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    Underworld Odyssey: Chapter Two

    The Warden of the Underworld dozed. Cerberus lay in his usual spot overlooking the Styx, his trio of heads lowered across his massive paws. Occasionally, a triangular ear twitched as the great hound caught the slap of water against the hull of Charon’s boat or the whisper of a harpy’s wings overhead. One of his […] More

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