Version: 3.18
Release Date: September 27, 2016
Fire Lord Ne Zha – ??? Gems

Voice Pack Available!
Monster Trainer Erlang Shen – Odyssey 2017

Voice Pack Available!
Clockwork Knight Ao Kuang – Odyssey 2017

Voice Pack Available!
Mastery Ao Kuang


Two’s a Crowd
As Ne Zha, bounce Universe Ring Toss between two enemy gods, hitting each at least twice.

Watch This
As Ne Zha, stun an enemy using Armilary Sash and then ult them.
As Chronos, use your Ultimate while you’re below 15% Health and return back to full Health.
The Hands of Time
As Chronos, get a kill with each quadrant in your passive, Wheel of Time.
Feel My Wrath
As Sylvanus, knock up three or more enemy gods with your Ultimate.
As Sylvanus, root twenty enemy gods in a single game.
New Odyssey content being added in 3.18:
- Monster Trainer Erlang Shen
- Clockwork Knight Ao Kuang
- Smitning Bolt Global Emote
- Chinese Recall FX (Odyssey Reward)
Fixed an issue where the Xing Tian’s Mountain leaderboard was not scaling properly with screen resolution.

Hydra’s Lament helps gods who use a lot of Basic Attacks in addition to their abilities, but was often weaker than other item choices, even on gods that could make full use of the passive. We are giving it a new identity as a lower cost cooldown and mana regeneration item that also provides a niche bonus to players who can use the passive.
Now has an additional Passive: Increases Mp5 by 2.5 per 10% of your missing Maximum Mana.
Increased Physical Power from 30 → 40.
Reinforced Greaves and Shoes were recently buffed to provide players with a true tanky option for boots, but the base 150 Health and protections allowed more classes and roles to pick this up than intended, as well as simply gave players too much defense. We are reducing this tankiness across the board, as well as requiring an additional stack to reach maximum protections, requiring players to take more hits to get the full effect.
- Reduced Power from
15→ 10. - Reduced Health from
150→ 75. - Reduced Crowd Control Reduction from
30%→ 20%. - Passive:
Protections reduced from5 per stackto 3 per stack.
Increased maximum stack count from5to 6.
- Reduced Health from
150→ 75. - Reduced Crown Control Reduction from
30%→ 20%. - Passive:
Protections reduced from5 per stackto 3 per stack.
Increased maximum stack count from5to 6.
Void Shield is a powerful pick for characters looking to be aggressive against Physical Damage. We like the strength of the penetration aura, but the cost and defenses provided were off for this strength.
Increased Cost from 990g → 1090g (2700 total).
Reduced Physical Protections from 50 → 40.
Witchblade has become a staple anti-physical item which fits with our goals for the item, but the amount of Physical Damage it was reducing is a bit too high.
Reduced Physical Protection from 60 → 50.

Agni’s Flame Wave can combo into Noxious Fumes, but for many players, this combo was inconsistent or at worst impossible to execute. With this change, executing this combo will be much easier, especially in high ping situations.
Flame Wave: Increased persist time of Flame Wave from .5 → 1s.
Centaurus: Fixed a rare issue where Chiron would revive even if he did not get a kill during his Ultimate.
SMITE’s little loverboy has been the subject of many debates. In this patch, we aim to improve Cupid’s abilities to solidify his design intent: A mid-game hunter with strong zoning and utility. Changes to Heart Bomb and Fields of Love support his zoning ability, and the streamlining of Share the Love and Flutter should let him aid his team-mates more easily.
Lovestruck: Lovestruck tooltip has been adjusted to accommodate for changes listed below.
Heart Bomb:
Increased Cooldown from 10s → 12s.
Increased radius of the Heart Bomb’s explosion area from 20 → 30 units.
Added an FX to Heart Bomb to indicate the explosion area.
Share the Love: No longer consumes Lovestruck Heart Stacks.
Flutter no longer provides Attack Speed when cast.
Flutter now provides 4/8/12/16/20% passive Attack Speed.
Reduced the Cooldown from 19/18/17/16/15s → 16/15/14/13/12s.
Fields of Love:
Changed how this ability functions with Lovestruck.
Fields of Love now mesmerizes enemies for 1.5s when activated with less than 8 hearts. At max hearts, the mesmerize increases to 3s.
Fixed Griffindwarf Fafnir in Griffin form not having his laugh audio.
Isis was a powerful lane bully during the days of level one potions, but since their removal, we have seen Isis fall off in effectiveness. We are reverting one of the nerfs that occurred during that time, allowing her to better scale into the mid and late game with Wing Gust.
Wing Gust: Increased scaling from 30% per Wing Gust → 40%.
Izanami has been significantly underperforming. She is receiving a few changes that are targeted at helping her box enemy hunters more effectively, while also helping her scale into the mid and late game better. Additionally, Fade Away will now drop minion aggro once Izanami begins casting this ability. This fixes a strange interaction where ranged minions were breaking her stealth almost immediately.
Izanami’s Basic Attacks now deal 75% damage going out and 25% damage going in, changed from 50%/50%.
Base Attack Speed increased from .85 → .95
Fade Away: Izanami is now invisible to minions when she begins channeling Fade Away.
Nemesis has become a strong pick due to direct buffs she has received, as well as indirect buffs – like the introduction of Wrath and the removal of red potion. We like her identity as a powerful tank shredder, but felt that her ultimate in particular was too effective in it’s burst and early game effectiveness.
Divine Judgement:
Damage Reduced from 30/35/40/45/50% Of target’s current health → 20/25/30/35/40% of target’s current health.
Slow and Movement speed decreased from 25% at all ranks → 15/15/20/20/25%.
Wind Fire Wheels: Updated the visual presentation of the “Critical” circles.
Raijin’s ability to pressure the lane with Raiju was allowing him to bully most other mages out of the mid lane, especially at the competitive level. We are bringing down the power of the Raiju and Thunder Crash combo to allow players do better deal with his lane pressure.
Raiju: Reduced Damage from 80/125/170/215/260 → 60/100/140/180/220.
Thunder Crash: Reducing scaling on Thunder damage from 40% → 20%.
Through the Cosmos:
Ratatoskr will now go the proper distance when canceling this ability at maximum range.
Fixed the radius being listed incorrectly on the tooltip.
Terra has been crushing recently, providing her teammates with strong utility and setup. The control she offers is powerful, but to enemies playing against Terra, it is often too difficult to play around. We have removed the slow from Crushing Earth allowing for more room for players to escape the stun, as well as reduced the duration on Monolith’s root. These two changes, combined with an increase to the cooldown of Terra’s Blessing, will help players better deal with Terra’s control.
Standing Stones: Fixed an issue where the bonus damage was being calculated as true damage.
Crushing Earth: No longer has a slow for enemies standing between the standing stones.
Monolith: Root duration decreased from 1.5s → 1s.
Terra’s Blessing: Cooldown increased from 90s → 110/105/100/95/90s.